For the last couple of months I have been working on a rule-based lemmatizer for the KU Leuven's CCL. It isn't language specific, but the language I had in mind developing is Dutch, and there exists only one ruleset at the moment---for Dutch, of course. Surprisingly, it actually works, which is quite odd if you think about my non-existing Dutch skills.
Anyway, I wrote my program in Lisp, while the rest of CCL works in Perl. This was sort of a problem, because delivering executables in SBCL is funny, and I don't know any smart way of compiling libraries so that they can be called from other languages. Also, loading all Common Lisp and a few libraries just to lemmatize a small token would be a bit impractical.
So, I had to find a way of letting Python, Perl and friends to talk with my lispy lemmatizer. Maciek suggested me I could use XML-RPC, and that was a good idea. I asdf-installed S-XML-RPC, wrote the server, wrote a client in Python (to see if it really works), and everything seemed fine.
It seemed so until a couple of days ago, when I wrote the Perl client. My Perl skills are as impressing as my Dutch skills, but this didn't ruin my self-confidence. After all, I just had written a whole lemmatizer for Dutch, so a tiny script in a language I don't know shouldn't be a challenge.
And at first it wasn't. I downloaded the right library, had them installed. I wrote what I thought I should have written, and there weren't any syntax errors. But then I run it, and all I could get was “Bad request.”
Well, I took another XML-RPC Perl library, wrote what the tutorials said I should have written... And got the same frustrating “Bad request.”
Well, I tried lots of tricks. I threatened the computer with a screw-driver. I read the Perl source. I made the XML requests be printed, and run them through Python and Lisp---successfully. As for Perl---nothing better than “Bad request.”
Finally, when looking through the source of S-XML-RPC, I found it is checking whether the URL is ending with “/RPC2”. I change appropriately the URL... And it started working. With both libraries. Apparently, Lisp and Python libraries were doing that implicitly, but Perl was too straight forward for it.
In principle the whole affair wasn't Perl's fault---the XML-RPC specification doesn't specify how should the first line of the request look like. On the other hand, life would be a lot easier if Perl libraries did what other expect them to do. Like the Python version ;-)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Abductive reasoning
During my first semester in KU Leuven I took a course “Logic as Foundations for AI”. There were only 4 participants, so instead of taking we could prepare an assignment.
One of the exercises consisted of performing some abductive reasoning, about boolean circuits where some logical gates could be broken (there were ~5 gates in the circuit). And it was tedious... And I was always making an error somewhere... So I decided: “enough is enough,” and wrote a Prolog program to solve this task for me.
And it was a great success: it took me only a day to write a program that solves a task it would take two hours to solve it (provided you were extremely pedantic).
(However, I've included my program into the assignment and I suspect it may have boosted the mark I received.) ;-)
One of the exercises consisted of performing some abductive reasoning, about boolean circuits where some logical gates could be broken (there were ~5 gates in the circuit). And it was tedious... And I was always making an error somewhere... So I decided: “enough is enough,” and wrote a Prolog program to solve this task for me.
And it was a great success: it took me only a day to write a program that solves a task it would take two hours to solve it (provided you were extremely pedantic).
(However, I've included my program into the assignment and I suspect it may have boosted the mark I received.) ;-)
:- op(1200, xfx, ====>).
% Give all the possible explanations for Goal in KB, as conjunctive clauses
explanations(Goal, KB, Explanations) :-
prime_implicates(KB, Implications),
no_goal(Goal, Implications, NoGs),
findall(Explanation, (member(X, NoGs), negate_all(X, Explanation)), Explanations).
% find all the prime implicates from KB
prime_implicates(KB, Implicates) :-
resolution(KB, Cons),
findall(Imp, (member(Imp, Cons), prime_implicate_(Imp, Cons)), Implicates).
prime_implicate_(_, []).
prime_implicate_(I, [H|Set]) :-
( \+subset(H,I)
; I ==H),
prime_implicate_(I, Set).
% resolution(KB, AllResolvents).
resolution(List, Solution) :-
% we have to sort the clauses in order to obtain the
% “canonical” form (useful to remove duplicates).
findall(Sorted, (member(L,List), sort(L,Sorted)), SortedList),
resolution2(SortedList, Solution).
resolution2(List,Solution) :-
member(A, List),
member(B, List),
A \==B,
resolve(A, B, R1),
sort(R1, R),
\+ smember(R, List),
resolution2([R|List], Solution)
resolve(XX,YY,Z) :-
member(Ry, Y),
% ( Rx=not(Ry)
% ; Ry=not(Rx)),
% We must use sound unification (no cyclic terms)
( unify_with_occurs_check(Rx, not(Ry))
; unify_with_occurs_check(Ry, not(Rx))),
select(Ry,Y, NewY),
select(Rx, X, NewX),
sunion(NewX, NewY, Z).
% prover by resolution for Horn Clauses
% hresolution(+Goal, +KB, -ResolutionTrail)
% prove Goal in KB
hresolution(Goal, KB, Sol) :-
negate(Goal, NG),
hresolution_(NG, KB, Sol).
hresolution_(X, KB, [X/Y====>Resolvent|Rest]) :-
resolve(X,Y, Resolvent),
( Resolvent = [],
select(Y,KB, NewKB),
hresolution_(Resolvent, NewKB, Rest)).
/* *************************
* *
* Tool predicates: *
* *
% put brand new new variables in the clause
new_var(X,Y) :-
pretty(A,B,C) :- print(A/B====>C), nl, nl.
% like select, but uses sound unification and succeeds if El is not in
% the List
minus(_, [], []).
minus(X, [X1|Tail], Tail) :-
sunifiable(X, X1).
minus(Elem, [Head|Tail], [Head|Rest]) :-
minus(Elem, Tail, Rest).
% sound-unifiable
sunifiable(X,Y) :-
\+ \+ unify_with_occurs_check(X,Y).
% like member, but tests identity instead of unification (we don't
% want to instantiate X in f(X) to 1 by checking if f(r) is already in
% the KB)
smember(X,[H|_]) :-
sunifiable(X, H).
smember(X, [_|Rest]) :-
smember(X, Rest).
sunion([], L, L1) :-
unify_with_occurs_check(L, L1),
sunion([H|T], L, R) :-
smember(H, L), !,
sunion(T, L, R).
sunion([H|T], L, [H|R]) :-
sunion(T, L, R).
negate(not(X), X) :- !.
% negate all literals in an disjunctive clause, giving a conjunctive clause
negate_all([H|T],[NH|NT]) :-
negate(H, NH),
negate_all(T, NT).
% eliminate the goal Goal form the clause
no_goal(_, [], []).
no_goal(Goal, [H|T], [NH|NT]) :-
minus(Goal, H, NH),
no_goal(Goal, T, NT).
List = [
[not(tennis_elbow), sore_elbow],
[not(tennis_elbow), tennis_player],
[not(arthritis), treated, sore_joints],
[sore_elbow, not(sore_joints)],
[not(sore_joints), sore_hips]
List2 = [
[not(p), not(q), not(r), g],
[p, not(q), g],
[q, not(r), g]
explanations(g, List2,Z).
test_nonprovable(A) :-
List = [[p(X)], [p(X)]],
resolution(List, A).
test_plus(Solution, Result) :-
[rplus(X, s(Y), s(Z)), not(rplus(X,Y,Z))]
Goal = [rplus(s(s(s(0))), s(s(0)), Result)],%s(s(s(s(s(0))))))],
hresolution(Goal, A, Solution).
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